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Top 4 Reasons to Install Solar Panels on Your RV - Featured Image.jpg

At RV Supply Center, we understand the growing popularity of RV travel and the desire for greater freedom on the road. One of the best upgrades you can make to enhance your RV experience is installing solar panels. Our team of experts is passionate about...

Why You Should Consider Solar Power Hero.jpg

As RV enthusiasts, we all crave the freedom of the open road, the thrill of new adventures, and the serenity of remote destinations. But, with this lifestyle comes the need for reliable, efficient, and sustainable power sources. One of the best solutions? Solar power. Read more about why you...


Oh, the weather outside is frightful But the fire is so delightful And since we've no place to go Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow It would help if you didn't face any frightful RV repairs this coming year, so we have some simple tips.

Second, keeping up on your RV's roof maintenance...


Ask RV Supply Center Thursday

We usually answer questions related to recreational vehicles. But considering the season, here is a question that needs answering.

Who is Jesus?

You may not know it, but this is the most critical question you will consider in your...

Tech Tip Tuesday: RV Roofing

The fall season is an excellent time to tackle various things that must be maintained on your RV. The roof is one of those things that will only give you a problem once it is too late. If you have an EPDM or TPO rubber roof, it will need some yearly maintenance. Those roofs need to be cleaned...

Are Dog bone/Puck Electrical Adapters Safe? - Ask RV Supply Thursday

Question: Are Dog Bone or Puck electrical adapters safe to use?

Answer: First, let's answer the question of what a dog bone or puck adaptor is and what function they serve. These electrical adapters allow you to connect to a power outlet that provides less power than your RV needs but...

Tech Tip Tuesday: RV Electrical Plug Safety

I am sure that most of you reading this don't remember the TV series "Get Smart." The lead character played a parody of a secret agent. His name was Maxwell Smart. And he was anything but smart; one of his catchphrases was "missed by that much" while holding his finger close together. While...

What is ‘Regular Maintenance’ on my RV Trailer? - Ask RV Supply Thursday


I bought a new 5th wheel and wanted to know what needs regular maintenance?


Regular maintenance is essential for the best performance and life of the appliances and RV systems. Listed below are our suggestions for...

Tech Tip Tuesday: Awning Care

Patio awnings are a great way to make instant shade, and they are easy to use, but there are a few tips that will keep you from prematurely destroying your awning.

First, never leave your awning out at night or when you are going to be away from the RV. While awnings provide excellent...

My weight distribution hitch won’t come off! - Ask RV Supply Thursday

Question: I am having difficulty getting my Weight Distribution Hitch's bar released from the hitch. Do you have any suggestions?

Answer: Remember the song "Try A Little Harder."

Don't worry try a little harder


Tech Tip Tuesday: Don’t Cheap Out on Wheel Chocks!

There is a time when spending a little extra money is a waste and other times when you pay a little more, but you get a better product that you will only have to buy once.

Wheel chocks fall into this category. The standard brightly colored plastic wheel chock is as cheap as dirt, but in...

Do Scissor Jacks Have Maintenance? - Ask RV Supply Thursday

Question: Is there any maintenance I need to do on my scissor jacks, and is there any way to make cranking them up and down easier?

Answer: Yes, it is best, at least once a quarter, to spray the gear mechanism with brake cleaner to remove road grime and...

Tech Tip Tuesday: Factory Plumbing Mistakes

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."



Question: I am getting ready to buy a used RV, and I know that looking at the roof is essential; what are the trouble signs I am looking for to avoid buying an RV that needs significant repairs?

Answer: The song you don't want to sing after buying a used...

Are RV washer/dryer combos worth it? - Ask RV Supply Center Thursday

I am buying a new RV, and I am considering having a washer/dryer combo installed. Is it worth the money?

The short answer is no. Here are the reasons why.

First, the capacity of the combo washer/dryer, or even a stack-able unit, is very limited. You cannot wash your bed sheets, and...

Tech Tip Tuesday: Don't put your electric awning at risk!

Most of your RVs today come with an electric awning, and that electric awning comes with a rain shed feature. The rain shed feature uses a gas-charged shock, allowing the awning to dip in the corners to shed excess water. But you probably don't know that you may be causing those shocks to fail...

Tech Tip Tuesday: Battery Lifespan & Your Converter

Strumming my pain with his fingers

Singing my life with his words

Killing me softly with his song

Did you know your converter is probably killing your batteries with its song? Most of the time, you are only enjoying part of the lifespan of your...

Tech Tip Tuesday: Tongue Jack Maintenance

Does it take a lot of effort to crank your tongue jack? There are a few different issues that can cause this problem.

Ask RV Supply Thursday - My class A windshield is cracked! How do I get a new one?


I have a Class A Motorhome, and I was returning home from a trip, and a Semi in front of me kicked up a rock that hit my windshield and cracked it. Do you know of anyone that replaces Class A windshields?

Tech Tip Tuesday: Improving Motorhome Handling & Ride Quality

The bad news about Motorhomes is that they are notorious for handling problems, and they, at times, can be dangerous to drive because of those inherent problems. The good news is that most of those problems are fixable. For instance, one of the common problems is what is called tail wagging the...

Tech Tip Tuesday: Preparing your RV for Summer

Spring has sprung. However unsettled the weather is now, we know that shortly temperatures will rise. The appliances that you will want to make sure that they perform at their optimum levels before the summer are your refrigerator and your air conditioner. We recommend that both appliances be...
